Sensor Fusion for Orientation Tracking - two new publications
Please Check out the two papers below authored by Milad Nazarahari if you are interested in sensor fusion for orientation tracking using wearable sensors:
If you are interested in the applications of light-weight wearable inertial measurement units (stand-alone sensor or the ones in your cellphones), please check out our recent article in the “IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,” which investigates adaptive gain tuning of sensor fusion algorithms for accurate/robust orientation tracking with these wearable sensors. The following URL grants free access to the article by January 03, 2021.
If you are interested in the applications of light-weight wearable inertial measurement units (stand-alone sensor or the ones in your cellphones), please check out our recent article in the “IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,” which investigates adaptive gain tuning of sensor fusion algorithms for accurate/robust orientation tracking with these wearable sensors. Please check out this paper by the link below: