University of Alberta

Shengjie Xiu

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About ME

My name is Shengjie (Michael) and I am a Mitacs international intern in NCB Lab at the University of Alberta. My study here is about novel wearable technologies applications in sportive performance assessment. My supervisor in this project is Dr. Hossein Rouhani.

I am a senior student majoring in electrical engineering at Sun Yat-sen University in China. Currently, I am a researcher in the Integrated Intelligent Information & Communication Lab focusing on efficient signal processing methods on embedded systems. Besides, I once was a researcher in Bioelectronics Lab, focusing on biomedical signal processing and devices. Also, I was an intern at ZeroTech, an industrial drone company in Beijing, China.


  • Dr. Hossein Rouhani

Research interests

  • Signal processing

  • Machine learning

  • Biomedical devices


We place Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) on the lower limb and then calculate foot trajectories and joint angles. Then, using these trajectories and joint angles, we reconstruct a humanoid avatar with the other activity information shown to the user in Microsoft HoloLens (augmented reality). The whole process can be done in real-time, aiming at helping athletes and patients to train themselves, rehabilitate and lower the risk of injury.