About Me
I am a senior undergraduate student at the Electronics and Communication Department of Netaji Subhas University of Technology (formerly NSIT, under Delhi University). Currently, I am working as a summer intern at the Neuromuscular Control and Biomechanics Lab at the University of Alberta under the prestigious MITACS internship program.
Dr. Hossein Rouhani
Research Interests
Brain-Computer Interface
Embedded Systems
Control Systems
Analog Electronics
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits)
Medical Electronics
University of Alberta
Developing a prototype of the Brain-Computer Interface System enabling individuals suering from degenerative muscle disorders to perform their daily tasks and activities eciently.
Texas Instruments, Centre for Embedded Product Design, NSUT
Direction Sensitive LED Spinning Top
The prototype model developed established a proof of concept that Earth’s Magnetic Field can be used to create a clean and sustainable source of energy. The device could produce pulses of voltage when the top spins and these pulses were used as an indicator to detect the direction of motion.
Persistence of Vision
An embedded system was designed to examine and demonstrate the concepts, limitations, and advantages of the persistence of vision of the human eye. The device has since been also used to illustrate the concepts of multiplexing, Charlieplexing, and persistence of vision to students and faculty across the state.
Electronic Birthday Blowout Candles
The device is an electronically re-configurable birthday blowout candle set. The age can be electronically set and then accordingly a set of candles glow. The LEDs installed as candles turn o when the user blows them o in a similar way as the birthday candles are blown out. The device was tested and then handed over to the ocials of a startup for mass manufacturing.
Levitating Doll
The prototype developed illustrated the concepts and principles of levitation of a small-sized object (doll) using the concept of PID controller. The force that opposes gravity is the magnetic field produced by an appropriately winded inductor which enables the doll to levitate and stabilise itself at a desired distance from the inductor.
Current Measurement using the Magnetic Hanger
A prototype circuit developed which measures the current of a circuit. Unlike the conventional multimeters in which the main circuit is broken and then the current is measured across the fragmented ends, the device measures current without breaking the main circuit.
Awards and Honours
Globalink Research Internship Mitacs Awardee
Secured a position in the top 0.2% in the Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced), India
Awarded the National Talent Search Examination Scholarship, India
Indian Regional Mathematics Olympiad Scholar