Richa Sharma

 About me: 

I have a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering and a Master's degree in Instrumentation and Control Engineering. In 2017, I did my Ph.D. in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from the University of Delhi, New Delhi, India. During my Ph.D., I worked as a teaching-cum-research fellow at NSIT, Delhi (University of Delhi), India. Apart from research, I used to teach undergraduate students in the Instrumentation and Control Engineering Department. Prior to joining the NCBL, I was an Institute Postdoctoral fellow in the Centre for Biomedical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India, from 2018-to 2021. 


Dr. Hossein Rouhani

Research Interests

  • Design and control of Rehabilitation devices

  • Intelligent control system

  • Biomedical Instrumentation

  • Nonlinear control

  • Machine learning

  • Artificial Intelligence techniques


  • Study on lower-limb exoskeleton for incomplete spinal cord injury

  • Development of a machine learning algorithm for park accessibility

Journal Publications

1. Richa Sharma, Anupam Kumar, “Optimal Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Control Based Closed-Loop Regulation of Mean Arterial Blood Pressure using the Controlled Drug Administration”, IEEE Sensors, Jan 2022 (Accepted)

2. Richa Sharma, Prerna Gaur, Shaurya Bhatt, Deepak Joshi, Performance assessment of fuzzy logic control approach for MR damper based-transfemoral prosthetic leg, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2021. 

3. Richa Sharma, Prerna Gaur, Shaurya Bhatt, Deepak Joshi, Optimal fuzzy logic-based control strategy for lower limb rehabilitation exoskeletonApplied Soft Computingvol. 105, 2021.

4. Richa Sharma, Dhirendra Singh, Ashutosh Tiwari, Deepak Joshi, User-feedback based robust and simplified damping control for affordable transfemoral prosthesis, IET Electronics Letters, 2020.

5. Richa Sharma, K.P.S. Rana, Vineet Kumar, “Performance analysis of Fractional order fuzzy PID controllers applied to a robotic manipulator” Expert systems with applications, vol. 41, 4274-4289,2014. 

6. Richa Sharma, Prerna Gaur, A. P. Mittal, “Design of two-layered fractional order  fuzzy logic controllers applied to robotic manipulator with variable payload” Applied Soft Computing, 47, pp. 565-576, 2016. 

7. Richa Sharma, Vikas Kumar, Prerna Gaur, A. P. Mittal, “An Adaptive PID like controller using Mix Locally Recurrent Neural network for Robotic Manipulator Variable Payload,” ISA Transactions, Elsevier, 62, pp. 258-267, 2016. 

8. Richa Sharma, Prerna Gaur, A. P. Mittal, “Performance analysis of two-degree of freedom fractional order PID controllers for robotic manipulator with payload, ISA Transaction, Elsevier, 58, pp. 279-291, 2015. 

9. Richa Sharma, Prerna Gaur, A. P. Mittal, “Optimum design of fractional order hybrid fuzzy logic controller for a robotic manipulator” Arabian Journal for Science and  Engineering, Springer42, pp. 739-750, 2017. 

10. Richa Sharma, Shubendhu Bhasin, Prerna Gaur, Deepak Joshi, A switching-based fractional logic controllers for robotic manipulators, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 73, pp. 228-246, 2019. 

11. Richa Sharma, K. K. Deepak, Prerna Gaur, Deepak Joshi,   An Optimal interval type-2 fuzzy pre-compensated PID control design for the design for the mean arterial blood pressure regulation to automated drug infusion, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Elsevier,  2019.

12. Richa Sharma, Dhirendra Singh, Prerna Gaur, Deepak Joshi, Intelligent automated drug administration and therapy: Future of healthcare, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, Springer,  2020.

13. Anoop Godiyal, Richa Sharma, Dinesh Bhatia and Deepak Joshi, “Feasibility of Facial EMG in gender classification during speech production” Journal of medical engineering and technology, Taylor and Francis, vol. 37, no. 2, pp.86-90, 2013.


Conference Publications

1. Richa Sharma, K.P.S. Rana, Vineet Kumar, “Comparative study of controller optimization techniques for a robotic manipulator,” International conference on soft computing for problem solving, Dec 2013 at Saharanpur campus of IIT Roorkee.                                

2. Richa Sharma, K.P.S. Rana, Vineet Kumar, “Statistical analysis of  GA based PID controller optimization for robotic manipulators,” International conference on issues and challenges in intelligent computing, Feb 2014 at Ghaziabad, India.

3. Richa Sharma, P. Gaur, A. P. Mittal, “Performance evaluation of cuckoo search algorithm based FOPID controllers applied to a robotic manipulator with actuator,” International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications (ICACEA), IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India, 19-20 March 2015. (awarded best paper)

4. Richa Sharma, P. Gaur, A. P. Mittal, “An enhanced hybrid fuzzy logic controller for robotic manipulator,” IEEE IndiaCOM-2016, BVICAM, Delhi, India, 16-18 March 2016.

5. Palwinder Kaur, V.Kumar, Richa Sharma, “Speed control of hybrid electric vehicle using PSO based Fractional Order PID controller,” 2016 1st India International Conference on Information Processing (IICIP), Delhi. 

6. Richa Sharma, Deepak Joshi, Prerna Gaur, “A study on different configurations of fractional order fuzzy logic controller schemes for robotic manipulator using NSGA-II” presented in 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE-2018) to be held at MNIT, Jaipur on 13-15 Dec 2018. 



1Best paper presentation at IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications (ICACEA) in 2015. 

2. Awarded Teaching-cum-Research Fellowship From University of Delhi, India for pursuing Ph.D.  

3. Secure University positions in Undergraduate.