About ME
I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart and the University of Tübingen in Germany. After having completed the first two years of my studies and having spent one semester abroad at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, I am set to graduate from the program in 2020. This summer I will be working for the NCBL under the supervision of Dr. Albert Vette as a Mitacs Globalink scholar.
Dr. Albert Vette
Research Interests:
Human Biomechanics
Wearable technologies
Biomedical device development
During my summer internship in the NCBL, I am working with Sarah-Beth on a project examining the assessment of gait stability. The main objective of this project is to explore possible measures of gait stability and how these measures are influenced by perturbations. In this project, we are analyzing data from non-disabled individuals acquired on the CAREN system at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, as part of the PAT project.
My main contribution to this project is the development of an algorithm for gait event detection during perturbed gait. While several different methods of gait event detection with a low error margin exist, most of them have been developed for unperturbed gait. In unperturbed gait, many gait parameters exhibit a fairly consistent pattern, which can be used to detect gait events. In contrast, many of these patterns are altered in perturbed gait, making it more difficult to identify gait events. The objective of my work is to determine which gait parameters: (1) are sufficiently reliable and robust in the presence of gait perturbations; and (2) contain information relevant to the detection of gait events. In the course of this work, I am using the MATLAB programming language in order to create processing algorithms to detect gait events, with a particular focus on perturbed gait.
Mitacs Globalink scholarship - 2019
Scholarship of the medical technology foundation - 2016
Scholarship of the German Physical Society (DPG) - 2014