University of Alberta

Negar Riahi

 About Me

I received my B.S.c and M.S.c degree in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering from University of Tehran in 2019 and 2022, respectively. I have joined the Neuromuscular Control and Biomechanics Lab as a Ph.D. student in 2022.


  • Dr. Hossein Rouhani

  • Dr. Mahdi Tavakoli

Research interests:

  • Wearable systems

  • Bio-mechatronics

  • Robotics     


  • Design and simulation of an intelligent grasping system based on deep learning (M.Sc. Thesis)

For my M.Sc. Thesis, I designed a system that predicted the optimal configuration of a 16 DOF hand model to perform force closure grasp on various objects in the simulation. The image and consequently the point cloud of the objects were the only inputs of this algorithm. The simulation was done in GraspIt!, Gazebo was also partially used.

  • Design and fabrication of a haptic feedback armband for an EMG controlled robotic hand (B.Sc. project)

For my B.Sc. project, I designed and built a wireless haptic armband that employed different amplitudes of vibration as a form of feedback for user. This feedback helped the user to detect how firm they are grasping an object using an EMG controlled robotic hand. Barometric pressure sensors were installed at the tip of the robotic hand fingers.

  • Member of SURENA V humanoid robot project (Upper body)

  • Design, fabrication and comparison of two robotic hands performance with classic and smart actuators